Thursday, December 25, 2014

Is The Black Family Dead?

As I sit here among my extended family, I can't help but reflect on the rich traditions of the black family. Regardless of ones social economic status, locality, or background of the African American family, there is a hubris of rich tradition that exist during the holidays.

During the holidays, walk into any African American home and a sweet aroma will connect with your nostrils and stimulate your taste buds. Traditionally, the matriarchs could be found mentoring the young ladies to ensure consistency and congruency of recipes passed down from the sages of the ages. Rich dishes like turkey dressing, macaroni and cheese, potato salad, sweet potatoes, greens and homemade cornbread are some of those dishes you'll find resting in the bellies of relatives. 

History indicates that food is deeply interwoven in fabric of African American culture. Slaves would meet up on the plantations in a potluck type fashion. Each family bore their favorite dish as the men would discuss historical plantation relics and the women would share their struggles, strengths, and strategies of survival.  It didn't matter, that their teenage son was beaten by master or Johnny was hung while attempting to flee to the north to escape the perils of plantation life. Life was hard, but food made them temporarily suspend the disparaging conditions that existed in their lives. 

Today, tracings of our rich traditions still exist as families gather in a central location over large pots of food with family.  Although, it's more difficult to collectively meet due to the expansive and more fragmented families, many people still make concerted efforts to fellowship with the family during the holidays. 

Family was and still is the centerpiece of the African American tradition. If your family is remotely close to mine, it consists of more characters than Disney's Frozen. My family is filled with dysfunctional behaviors and contagious laughter. As I around, uncle Leroy is outside smoking Newport shorts. Aunt Essie has spiked her tea with the beverage pulled from the purple bag. She is simultaneously rocking from the Bobby Blue Bland and tipping the red cup. Eventually words will fly and so will tempers, but all of it is done with  unconditionally love for one another. You know your cue to leave is when uncle and aunt start overtaking one another and you've eaten your second plate. 

The fellowship is marked by even more rich traditions. First, dominoes could be heard miles away as drunk uncle Joe slams the table to claim his 25 points in the third house to win the game. On the other side of the room you hear an occasional smack and slap followed by "noise talking." Two things can pervasively be found in African American American households; baking soda and playing cards. Whether your game is spades, biz whiz, or pity pack, fellowship wouldn't be complete without a set of cards. While parents are cursing wildly, kids can be seen with the one toy they were allowed to take to the family's home. The holidays aren't complete without the men crowded around the television to view the holiday basketball or football games. 

There is nothing like holidays.  No matter how dysfunctional, no one else from the outside can talk about us because you'll get shot! There is simply nothing like family. Enjoy your family while they are still here. 

Is family dead? Not a chance! 

Be blessed! 
Pastor Rich 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

I'm Single Because of Social Media

We all have seen it! We've seen some person ranting and raving on social media. You scroll through their posts and realize that this person has to be emotionally unstable. After lurking their page and scrolling through their pictures without mistakenly hitting "like" on a two-year old picture, you realize that that this person is too attractive to be single, yet, they are. 

Dating has evolved. People use to be relegated to information that a person gives about himself or herself during a date or some social outing. This is not the case in the 21st Century. With a wealth of information on the super highway called the Internet, one can now investigate without instigating critical questions. One can find likes, dislikes, hobbies, frequent places (because we feel the need to check-in everywhere), information about kids, job, and emotional stability. The word declares that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. So if you post it, it is probably apart of who you are. There are some things singles need to work on in regards to social media. I hope this help singles that believe they should at least be dating but are not.


Guys hate to be corrected all the time. It makes them feel like they are dating their mom. Understand that when you date someone, you must be willing to accept their flaws and ALL. After all, everyone has them. You have to be willing to negotiate and toggle between what you will tolerate and what you will not. If you are constantly attacking others on social media then the person who is watching will believe that you have an attacking personality. If you attack others, therefore you will attack them. So soften your tone and be willing to allow people to be themselves.


We've all seen it. Scantily dressed people in their profile pictures. They are eye candy for sure. Let me rephrase that. SOME are very attractive. This is great! However, who wants someone that everybody else has seen naked or partially naked? Also, your attire or lack of reveals a lot about your self-esteem. It says I have to show the world my body maybe to hide my lack of intelligence. A person needs to fall in love with you mentally as well as physically. It also reduces your worth. I've heard ladies say, "All they want is my body." Well, that's what you are presenting. While fishing one time we dropped bloody bait in the water to attract tuna. The tuna came up but were chased away by the sharks. If you find yourself becoming overwhelmed by people that you're not trying to catch, change your bait and hide those boobs.


We've all seen this. Some people post too much of their personal living quarters on social media. First, there is the infamous bathroom pic. Tampons and Maxi pads invaded the camera with an occasional roach photo bombing have graced many bathroom pictures. Also, we've all seen the junky bedroom selfies. This tells the onlookers that you are not a neat and organized person. This type of behavior is linked to low income, which means that you’re probably not self-sufficient. People logically deduce opinion based on the posts you make.  Lastly, understand that not all of your followers are saved, sanctified, and Kentucky Fried. Many people have malicious intent. You just posted a picture of that nice 65-inch 4k television right above your check-in at your home. Some criminal now has your house on his Christmas list because you posted that you were leaving town during the holidays.


Yes, you've dated for 6 years and endured a heart-wrenching breakup. Why do you still have pictures of them on your page? It makes a potential mate think you still have feelings for your ex. Secondly, it may even deter people from approaching you. Those pictures have become “mate repellant.” Unless you have a story attached, remove pictures, and let them live in the past or they will impact your present and future.

5. DON'T BE SO EMOTIONAL! CALM DOWN! Have you ever scrolled down someone's timeline and realized that they must be on medications or forgot to take them? We all have. The bottom line is that everything that comes to your mind shouldn't come out of your mouth. Your timeline reveals that you probably will end up on an episode of snapped or First 48. No one wants to deal with that. Control your temper and think before you hit send.

  6. DON’T PRESENT YOURSELF AS PERFECT We all know this one super spiritual person on social media. They post more scriptures and often start sentences by saying, “The Lord told me” or "I sense in my spirit."  This is a problem for singles. It makes you unapproachable.  People are trying to get to know you as a person, not your spirit. Additionally, no one wants to date the nun from the local Catholic Dioceses you attended in the summer of 1995. The truth is, you can be a great asset to someone, but put down the scripture and learn to converse like normal people. If they are believers, God will definitely be in the conversation, but your date won’t feel like a bible study or dating the Pope.

 I hope this helps...Part II coming soon! Follow me on Instagram and Twitter @Richwisdom Pastor Rich @richwisdom

Friday, August 10, 2012


Loss is tough! Just think for a moment how upset you get when you "lose" your car keys or your wallet. Your blood pressure goes up. Your voice gets shrill. You start to shout at anything that moves. Normally you are a patient human being, but the loss of your car keys instantly transforms you into an irascible tiger ready to bite off the head of the first person crazy enough to try to talk to you. Maybe the car keys example is a bit melodramatic; but not by much. The plain fact is most find it difficult to handle even the simple loss of a rather insignificant possession. Now, if the loss of a wallet or a set of car keys can trigger emotional reactions that affect both your mind and your body --how much more will the loss of someone or something infinitely more significant -- such as the loss of a loved one (through death or divorce) -- or the loss of a home, the loss of a brother or sister, or even the loss of your spiritual leader) -- cause us to experience a set of roller-coaster emotions?

The bottom-line is that losses take time to heal!

In the case of significant separation through loss, the emotional process of working through that significant loss is called grief. Grieving, although painful, can and should be viewed as a healthy response. Without it a complete emotional recovery is not possible.

Jesus Experienced Loss and Grief

Jesus Himself dealt with loss and disappointments. John 11 tells the story of Lazarus, a friend of Christ. The Bible says that Jesus loved Lazarus and his family as John 11:5 states in these words, “Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus.”

Christ was obviously moved by grief when he accompanied the two sisters to Lazarus’ grave, because in John 11: 35, it clearly states that, “Jesus wept.”
It may include a wide range of responses, which vary from person to person and even the type of loss. 

For example, the death of a significant person in your life is a major loss. But grief can be felt about many kinds of losses: the ending of a relationship; moving or migrating to another place, losing a job, a pet, or your health or even your dream! Whatever it may be, there is a common sense of loss felt deep in our souls and a painful yearning for restoration!

The Man of Sorrows
The tender-hearted and compassionate Savior was prophesied to be, “A man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief,” in Isaiah 53:3.

How do I remove get over loss?

1. Let God Relieve Your Grief
Sometimes we suffer not because of what we have done, but because of what others have done to us or when we see other people suffer.  This isn’t heaven, this is earth and people hurt. Sometimes we feel lonely or our heart is broken or we experience sorrow, grief and loss.  But Psalm 23:3 says: “he restores my soul.”  King David who wrote these inspired words, was very acquainted with grief. In II Samuel 12 we are given some helpful tips on how to handle grief and loss.
What did David do with his grief after the baby died? He did three things:

A. ACCEPTED what he could not change.
He answered, "While the child was still alive, I fasted and wept. I thought, 'Who knows? The LORD may be gracious to me and let the child live.'  But now that he is dead, why should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I will go to him, but he will not return to me."-  2 Samuel 12:22-23

B. FOCUS on what was left and not what was lost.
“Then David comforted his wife Bathsheba, and he went to her and lay with her. She gave birth to a son, and they named him Solomon. The LORD loved him;” - 2 Samuel 12:24

C. Turned to God.

In Psalm 51:11-12, David says: “Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.  Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.”
When we grieve, we can either remain a prisoner of our pain or we can turn it over to God. That’s our choice.

D. Let God Minister Through You!
We need a Shepherd. We need a Savior. Jesus is that Shepherd and Savior. He is ready to help us deal with damaged emotions. All we have to do is ask Him. And he can provide those who can walk with us through those valleys. And yes, it usually takes time to heal – and sometimes a lifetime with the help of various professionals. But with God, all things are possible. Are you struggling to cope with grief and loss? Let Him restore your soul today!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Disloyalty in Relationships (How to spot disloyalty)

Healthy relationships have certain aspects, certain attributes that contribute to them being healthy. Just as a person’s blood pressure, enzymes, BMI are characteristics of a healthy body. It is nearly impossible to have discourse pertaining to relationships without mentioning trust, love, and loyalty.

If I took a poll asking if loyalty was important in relationship, 100 percent would raise their hand. Yet, it I asked what does loyalty mean, very few would know how to define it. Loyalty is defined as fidelity to a prince or sovereign, or to a husband or lover. Fidelity means careful and exact observance of duty, or performance of obligations; Firm adherence to a person or party with which one is united, or to which one is bound. It could also mean observance of the marriage covenant; as the fidelity of a husband or wife. One last definition is honesty; veracity; and adherence to truth.

Everyone wants those characteristics in a relationship. You want someone who is honest, someone who follows the laws of that particular relationship. Everyone wants faithfulness. We expect fidelity in a public minister, in an agent or trustee, in a domestic servant, or in a friend.

Although many want it, few give it. Relationships are suppose to be reciprocal. They are suppose to be distributed equally, however, many people have a “take it” spirit. Some people are like leeches, they suck the life out of you until you have nothing else to give.

Disloyalty doesn’t just happen overnight. Becoming disloyal is a process and most people are unaware of the fact that they are becoming disloyal. These principles can be applied in business, ministry, or and all types/levels of relationships.

It begins will selfishness. Lets call them Individualist

1. The individualist

When you’re in relationship the parameters or rules are normally set up from the beginning. Lets say you are dating and its exclusive meaning that you are not going to see anyone else but each other. This is understood in a marriage relationship. To the individualist, the rules of the relationship no longer apply. They are still part of the relationship, but they operate independent of the rules set up.

It is understood that you all are not going to call each other late at night and so forth. Or as a married man/women its understand that you are not going to do lunch with a member of the opposite unless it business in an open setting.

The individualist say, “I’m gonna call you anyways.” The married individualist say, “I will do lunch with them anyways.”

There is nothing wrong with being independent, but if you are a part of a group, a company, a relationship, a church, you should not act independent in that respect.

2. The “Fence” man (One who is in offence)

Many times offence occurs because one person in the relationship addresses the independent behavior. If not addressed, hate begins to harbor in the person’s heart. Many people who are offended have been hurt. Hurting people hurt other people. This is why if you have been hurt in a relationship, it is best to have a season of singleness. In this season you need to heal. It was hurt that that may have caused Absalom to rebel like he did. First, he was hurt when his half brother raped his sister and he was hurt by his father David when he didn’t take action against Amnon his half brother. When people are hurt and offended in any kind relationship, it becomes a breading ground for disloyalty, unfaithfulness.

Right after offence is:

3. The Apathetic person

This person becomes inactive in the relationship. They don’t want to go out to eat or they don’t want to do anything creative. They do not want to be apart of the relationship any longer, but they still stay.

· This is the person at the company that’s goes off to themselves, when they use to be outgoing and energetic.

· This is the person in the church who is uninvolved who use to be involved. When they do participate, it deceitful and has hidden agenda. (Jeremiah 48:10)

God expects you to be involved in a relationship. It not good in God site to sit back when you have something to put in. Passivity in any relationship is dangerous because it leaves room to be critical. The person who is uninvolved in a relationship rarely sees the their own fault. It’s the bystander who sees the worker digging a crooked ditch. You can tell when a person is in this stage because they get quiet. When your man gets quiet, it’s a sign that something isn’t right. When your supervisor gets quiet and its not talking to you, it’s a sign that something may not be right. When Absalom who became one of the most disloyal people in the bible, look what he did:

2 Samuel 13:22 But Absalom did not speak to Amnon either good or bad; for Absalom hated Amnon because he had violated his sister Tamar.

· Be careful of people who ain’t got nothing to say about nothing!

Note that Absalom eventually went on to have Amnon murdered (2 Samuel 13:28). Most disloyal people go on to murder the reputation of the person of whom they were in a relationship. The person who is about to break up with you, leave you in the marriage, leave your company, split the company will not always be apathetic. Sometimes they skip apathy and become critical.

4. The Critic

The Critic seems to notice and magnify faults. Maybe if you made more money, we would not be in this situation. Maybe, if the pastor did it this way, we be more progressive. The house sure is dirty. Maybe if you didn’t watch so much TV, it would be cleaner. Criticism is the favorite pastime of untrained children and unaccomplished adults.

Numbers 12:1 Then Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Cushite woman whom he had married (for he had married a Cushite woman)

· Being critical is often masked in concerned.

5. The Politician

This is when they involve others in the situation by including poisoned conjecture and outlandish opinions. This person wants to involve others by gathering a following to make people believe that they have identified the real problem and that it must be addressed. This is when the wife called their mother and sister and form and alliance against a cause. This is when the guy involves his friend to takes sides or a lady involves her girlfriends who by the way never have a man. This is when the boss involves other upper level management to get them to see what they are seeing. This is when the employee engages in coffee pot talk to form and alliance against upper level management.

Absalom sat at the gate of the city. When anyone came to see the king with problems he would listen to them carefully and sympathize with them. “It’s a pity that the king doesn’t have time for you today.” If I was king I would….

  • Lets pray for our pastor. He can’t talk to you. He is always busy.
If I was pastor I would….

Absalom was hurt (offended), then he said nothing for two years (apathetic), then he became judgmental (critical) of his fathers policy. He then formed an alliance with the people who came to see the king (the politician).

In this manner Absalom dealt with all Israel who came to the king for judgment; so Absalom stole away the hearts of the men of Israel. (2 Samuel 15:6)

The politician wants to give others their chain of thought.

6. Deception

This is when the person begins to lie. If you are in business relationship this is when they began to cut side deals.

Deception enters in at the most vulnerable point of the relationship. The person in a marriage begins to think they could do better if they were in a relationship with someone else. The person in business begins to think; if I didn’t have a partner I could maximize my profits.

Deception is a trick of the enemy. (John 8:44)

Disloyalty is prevalent in man relationships today. The ironic part about disloyal people is that they stay with you for a long time instead of just leaving. Look at these principles and determine whether disloyalty is knocking at your door!


Pastor Rich

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Sleeping Church

Revelations 3:1 "To the angel of the church in Sardis write: He who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars, says this: `I know your deeds, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead. 2 `Wake up, and strengthen the things that remain, which were about to die; for I have not found your deeds completed in the sight of My God.

Today, I tweeted “I would love to give someone a car, or house, or tuition. Needless to say, my timeline went crazy with people responding to such a “Kingdom” statement. People with authentic needs responded with their mortgage amounts in which they had fallen behind. People responded indicating they wanted to go back to school and needed transportation to keep a job.

As I read the amalgamation of responses, I wondered where these individuals attended church, if they went. I began to click on some of their pages and saw their tweets and info about them and noticed that most were Christians.

They were Christians but in crisis.

Each week, The Word Center is bombarded with calls from people with needs. Sadly, these individuals attend churches with monthly budgets that exceed The Word Center’s yearly budget. Where are their churches?

The scripture in Revelation above referenced that churches are sleeping. I believe that they are also lulling people to sleep with irrelevant doctrine, music ensembles, and nonexistent vision.

  • People are continuing to suffer financially, while the church is sleeping.

  • People are continuing to suffer in their marriages, while churches are sleeping.

  • People are continuing to suffer mentally, emotionally, psychologically and the church is sound asleep.

Wake up! The spiritual alarm clock should be the amount of Christians that no longer go to church because they knocked on the door of desperation and their church did not answer.

They were sleeping!

Wake up! The spiritual alarm clock should be the youth who have gone astray. They knocked on the door asking for help, but their parents were busy being deacons but not beacons in their home.

They were sleeping!

Wake up! The spiritual alarm clock should be the amount of Christian marriages faltering because of adultery, dishonor, or disconnect. They went to the pastor for help, but he was so busy with his mistress that he couldn't minister reconciliation.


Love and Peace

Pastor Rich

Sunday, May 29, 2011

When God Gives You a Dream

When God speaks to you, He speaks in various ways. One way He speaks is through dreams. In scripture, dreams were sometimes impressions on the minds of sleeping persons, made by divine agency. God came to Abimelech in a dream. Daniel had a dream. Gideon had a dream.

The story of Joseph paints a descriptive picture of a young man with a dream. Despite relational issues with his brothers, despite parental favoritism of his father, despite the family mess, Joseph still had dream.

  • No matter where you came from or what others have done to you, they can’t stop you from dreaming.

You know the story. Joseph had a dream that one day his brothers would bow down to him. He did dream it. God did give it to him. You know the end. They ended up bowing down to him. But there was something that was a trip about the whole situation!

There was no where in the text, where God said tell the dream. Sometimes, when God gives you something, you need to sit on it for while. There is something called deam killers! I remember telling my dream of “The Word” Center to someone that I thought was close to me. They took the information and used it to their advantage. I received so much persecution as a result.

  • There are some people who don’t have dreams of their own, so they spend all their time and resources trying to kill yours!

In telling your dreams and aspirations to dream killers, they are quick to bring up who you are. You grew up over there (where you grew up). Your momma wasn’t nothing. They remind you of your economic situation. They remind you of your educational attainment. They remind you of the kids you had out of wedlock. They remind you of your previous marriages!

  • Who people say you are is not what God calls you.

My Dream of Ministry

Several years ago, I had a dream. A dreamt of building a ministry for all people. This type of ministry that would help people regardless of their membership, fellowship, friendship, stewardship, or relationship. I wanted to build a ministry that would help people without bureaucracy . As The Word Center approaches 1-year old, I reflect on what God has done through the members of “The Word.” We have:

  • Purchased jerseys for an entire football team
  • Gave incentives such as gift cards and laptops to high achieving students
  • Homeless project that blessed literally hundreds of the homeless and underprivileged during the coldest months
  • Book bag and school supply distribution
  • Bought snacks for JPS students during SATP testing
  • Numerous benevolences to members of “The Word” and members of other churches
  • Many other charitable acts that undergird the fundamental purpose of “The Word.”
In 11 months, we have done Jesus ministry. Matthew 25:35-36 states “I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.”

As I write this blog, I am amazed at ordinary people pulling together to accomplish Kingdom work. As we turn to the next chapter of “The Word,” I stand in tip-toe anticipation of what God will do in Year 2! Sit back and watch our God!


Pastor Rich

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Blessing Behind Closed Doors

Jesus in the scripture encountered rejection. He had something to offer. He something to give. No matter how great it was or no matter how it would have helped those he offered to help, they rejected it. They closed the door in the face of the Savior!

We’ve all had some closed doors in our lives. Many of us fail to see the providential blessing behind the closed doors and adopt an attitude that will allow us to move beyond surviving to thriving. You have to come to a point of realization that the doors that God closed, opened up an opportunity for you to be blessed beyond your wildest dreams.

I have had many closed doors in my life. In 2010, a year to the day of this post, there were major shifts and changes that took place. As a result of a those changes, God taught me many lessons from which I believe you can learn.

First, you have to understand that anytime there is a major change, its causes you to grieve. Change in jobs, change in relationships, change in marital status, or change in health are examples of catalyst that can cause grief.

When an individual has not addressed the grief and the pain of their past, it comes out sideways in anger, violence, overworking, abuse of some kind, and all sorts of unhealthy behavior. Your ability to think normally is weakened by the poignant memories of experiences gone-by, especially in relationships.

In 2010, I worked for a particular church in Jackson, Ms. I was escorted out with an armed guard one morning. I didn’t steal anything. I didn’t do anything morally wrong. I didn’t touch anyone inappropriate. I was responsible for nearly 70% of ministry operations, which included youth, helps department, dean of education for their college, special projects, etc. I was competent in all that I did. I was not upset at the actions of this company. I saw God’s providential blessing in it!

Understand that sometimes we do not have the courage to leave certain situations, so God will close a door and make them leave you. If you’re reading this, you should shout that they left you, that they fired you, that they walked out of your life!

Here are some of the lessons I learned:

1. Don’t dwell in the place where you had been dumped. They moved on and so should you. To hold a grudge or be angry gives the person or place permission to prevent peace in your life.

2. Don’t trust them, trust HIM. Too many of us put our trust in people. Love, people, respect people, teach people, help people, but only put 100% of your trust in God. There is no worse hurt than to be hurt by someone that says I love you. Hurt People hurt people.

  • Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.

When an individual has been hurt and does not grieve and work through the hurt, chances are high they will hurt someone else. Contrary to popular belief, its really not the passing of time that heals us, its what we do in that time. The sting may become less server as time wears, but if grief is not addressed, it will come to us again and most of the time when you least expect it.

  • Its not good to hook up with someone right out of a relationship.
  • When your heart is broke your head don’t work. Isaiah 1:5-65 Where will you be stricken again, As you continue in your rebellion? The whole head is sick And the whole heart is faint. 6 From the sole of the foot even to the head There is nothing sound in it, Only bruises, welts and raw wounds, Not pressed out or bandaged, Nor softened with oil.”

God was trying to close door for me, all that was in me said fight it. Egypt-God closed the doors to slavery for the Israelites and they wanted to go back in. God simply told them to follow me to an infinite future. If you are reading this, follow the fire by night and the cloud by day.

3. Don't try to make fit, someone who may not be fit for you anymore

Sometimes immaturity blinds us to the reality of rejection. Understand rejection is many times Gods protection.

Matthew 10:14 "Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet. “

The best thing they could have done for me was get rid of me. Had they never fired me, I would have never left, and had I never left I would have never walked in my purpose. The birth of the “The Word” Center would have been a distant dream. Through "The Word" 1000's accross the WORLD have been blessed through our Iphone App, through our local television broadcast, and social mediums.

o When they abandoned me, they blessed me!

Have you carefully considered the closed doors of your life? Consider how many setbacks you encountered that ended up being setups for something greater. God has a tendency to bless us in strange ways.

Sometimes destiny dresses up in denial’s clothes. You have no idea that what appears to be denial is actually destiny in costume.

Look for that blessing behind the closed doors in your life!

Peace and Love

Pastor Rich