Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I've had enough!

1 Kings 19:4 "while he himself went a day's journey into the desert. He came to a broom tree, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. "I have had enough, LORD," he said. "Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors" (NIV)

In 1 Kings 19, the Prophet Elijah experienced one of the greatest attacks in his entire life. This attack came on the eve of some of his greatest successes. He had just raised someone from the dead. He called fire from heaven and killed over 700 people. He was miraculously feed by a raven. He had just outran a chariot to name a few. Understand that your greatest accomplishments many times are followed by your greatest tests!

All of a sudden Jazabel, a wicked woman, launched an all out attack against him. Some of the greatest challenges a man can face are those that come from a scorned woman! The scriptures says he ran for his life. No matter how great you are superman, superwoman, there is some kryptonite with your name on it. There is something that we all know, will have us running for our lives.

In verse 4, the man of God was sitting under a broom tree. After looking deeply into the story, I realized that Elijah had enough. It wasn't a spiritual problem. The man was just tired. He had just outran some horses! The man was tired in his physical body. Many times we can become like him. People look at the types of jobs we have. They look at the types cars we drive, the houses we live in, and they want what we have. Yet, they do not know what we had to go through to get what we have. Many of us who prosper publicly, struggle privately. Elijah was tired of being Elijah!

Have you every been tired of being YOU? People look at your lives and want to be you, but have not a clue of the type of attacks you have to sustain and overcome. The type of scrutiny you are under. A guy said to me the other day, "I admire you. I want to be like you." I told him quickly, you better be careful what you ask for!

There are couple of things that that you need to do when you are tired.

1. Be careful what you speak out of your mouth. He told the Lord, "take my life." He didn't mean it. Sometimes we say things to our loved ones that we really don't mean when we are tired. We have go back later and apologize, but the damage has been done! Be careful of being trapped by the words of your mouth!

2. Access the attacks on our lives. This man had just killed 700 prophets of the grove and baal and one woman had him speaking suicide! When you are tired, you can be defeated by things that you can easily conquer. Temptations to do things become greater to fight off. When you assess the situation, you will realize that the problem ain't that deep.

3. You need to be ministered to. Angels had to come down and tend to his needs. Sometimes when you are tired and seemly have had enough in life, you just need to sit your butt down somewhere! Even Jesus rested. Fellas, if you are overcome by sexual temptation. Tell your wife. I guarantee that she will fix it! Ladies, if you are not receiving enough affirmation, take him to see "Why did I get married too." Go on a vacation! GET MINISTERED TO!

4. Don't compare yourself to those around you. He said that he was no better than his ancestors. Never measure yourself by another man's yardstick. You will always fall short! This unhealthy comparison gave him a shallow image of himself and a faulty tool for measuring his progress. You are the best you! No one can be better at being you!

Love you!

Pastor Rich