Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Blessing Behind Closed Doors

Jesus in the scripture encountered rejection. He had something to offer. He something to give. No matter how great it was or no matter how it would have helped those he offered to help, they rejected it. They closed the door in the face of the Savior!

We’ve all had some closed doors in our lives. Many of us fail to see the providential blessing behind the closed doors and adopt an attitude that will allow us to move beyond surviving to thriving. You have to come to a point of realization that the doors that God closed, opened up an opportunity for you to be blessed beyond your wildest dreams.

I have had many closed doors in my life. In 2010, a year to the day of this post, there were major shifts and changes that took place. As a result of a those changes, God taught me many lessons from which I believe you can learn.

First, you have to understand that anytime there is a major change, its causes you to grieve. Change in jobs, change in relationships, change in marital status, or change in health are examples of catalyst that can cause grief.

When an individual has not addressed the grief and the pain of their past, it comes out sideways in anger, violence, overworking, abuse of some kind, and all sorts of unhealthy behavior. Your ability to think normally is weakened by the poignant memories of experiences gone-by, especially in relationships.

In 2010, I worked for a particular church in Jackson, Ms. I was escorted out with an armed guard one morning. I didn’t steal anything. I didn’t do anything morally wrong. I didn’t touch anyone inappropriate. I was responsible for nearly 70% of ministry operations, which included youth, helps department, dean of education for their college, special projects, etc. I was competent in all that I did. I was not upset at the actions of this company. I saw God’s providential blessing in it!

Understand that sometimes we do not have the courage to leave certain situations, so God will close a door and make them leave you. If you’re reading this, you should shout that they left you, that they fired you, that they walked out of your life!

Here are some of the lessons I learned:

1. Don’t dwell in the place where you had been dumped. They moved on and so should you. To hold a grudge or be angry gives the person or place permission to prevent peace in your life.

2. Don’t trust them, trust HIM. Too many of us put our trust in people. Love, people, respect people, teach people, help people, but only put 100% of your trust in God. There is no worse hurt than to be hurt by someone that says I love you. Hurt People hurt people.

  • Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.

When an individual has been hurt and does not grieve and work through the hurt, chances are high they will hurt someone else. Contrary to popular belief, its really not the passing of time that heals us, its what we do in that time. The sting may become less server as time wears, but if grief is not addressed, it will come to us again and most of the time when you least expect it.

  • Its not good to hook up with someone right out of a relationship.
  • When your heart is broke your head don’t work. Isaiah 1:5-65 Where will you be stricken again, As you continue in your rebellion? The whole head is sick And the whole heart is faint. 6 From the sole of the foot even to the head There is nothing sound in it, Only bruises, welts and raw wounds, Not pressed out or bandaged, Nor softened with oil.”

God was trying to close door for me, all that was in me said fight it. Egypt-God closed the doors to slavery for the Israelites and they wanted to go back in. God simply told them to follow me to an infinite future. If you are reading this, follow the fire by night and the cloud by day.

3. Don't try to make fit, someone who may not be fit for you anymore

Sometimes immaturity blinds us to the reality of rejection. Understand rejection is many times Gods protection.

Matthew 10:14 "Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet. “

The best thing they could have done for me was get rid of me. Had they never fired me, I would have never left, and had I never left I would have never walked in my purpose. The birth of the “The Word” Center would have been a distant dream. Through "The Word" 1000's accross the WORLD have been blessed through our Iphone App, through our local television broadcast, and social mediums.

o When they abandoned me, they blessed me!

Have you carefully considered the closed doors of your life? Consider how many setbacks you encountered that ended up being setups for something greater. God has a tendency to bless us in strange ways.

Sometimes destiny dresses up in denial’s clothes. You have no idea that what appears to be denial is actually destiny in costume.

Look for that blessing behind the closed doors in your life!

Peace and Love

Pastor Rich