Sunday, May 29, 2011

When God Gives You a Dream

When God speaks to you, He speaks in various ways. One way He speaks is through dreams. In scripture, dreams were sometimes impressions on the minds of sleeping persons, made by divine agency. God came to Abimelech in a dream. Daniel had a dream. Gideon had a dream.

The story of Joseph paints a descriptive picture of a young man with a dream. Despite relational issues with his brothers, despite parental favoritism of his father, despite the family mess, Joseph still had dream.

  • No matter where you came from or what others have done to you, they can’t stop you from dreaming.

You know the story. Joseph had a dream that one day his brothers would bow down to him. He did dream it. God did give it to him. You know the end. They ended up bowing down to him. But there was something that was a trip about the whole situation!

There was no where in the text, where God said tell the dream. Sometimes, when God gives you something, you need to sit on it for while. There is something called deam killers! I remember telling my dream of “The Word” Center to someone that I thought was close to me. They took the information and used it to their advantage. I received so much persecution as a result.

  • There are some people who don’t have dreams of their own, so they spend all their time and resources trying to kill yours!

In telling your dreams and aspirations to dream killers, they are quick to bring up who you are. You grew up over there (where you grew up). Your momma wasn’t nothing. They remind you of your economic situation. They remind you of your educational attainment. They remind you of the kids you had out of wedlock. They remind you of your previous marriages!

  • Who people say you are is not what God calls you.

My Dream of Ministry

Several years ago, I had a dream. A dreamt of building a ministry for all people. This type of ministry that would help people regardless of their membership, fellowship, friendship, stewardship, or relationship. I wanted to build a ministry that would help people without bureaucracy . As The Word Center approaches 1-year old, I reflect on what God has done through the members of “The Word.” We have:

  • Purchased jerseys for an entire football team
  • Gave incentives such as gift cards and laptops to high achieving students
  • Homeless project that blessed literally hundreds of the homeless and underprivileged during the coldest months
  • Book bag and school supply distribution
  • Bought snacks for JPS students during SATP testing
  • Numerous benevolences to members of “The Word” and members of other churches
  • Many other charitable acts that undergird the fundamental purpose of “The Word.”
In 11 months, we have done Jesus ministry. Matthew 25:35-36 states “I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.”

As I write this blog, I am amazed at ordinary people pulling together to accomplish Kingdom work. As we turn to the next chapter of “The Word,” I stand in tip-toe anticipation of what God will do in Year 2! Sit back and watch our God!


Pastor Rich